Roblox Gym League pump, stamina, Macro, autoclicker, wiki link
Roblox Gym League pump:
Basically gives you eternal stamina for a short time, makes you faster and stronger for a short time and resets your stam. It increases the speed of red bar above your stamina bar
Pump gamepass gives you more pump per tick. More pump which makes you lift more. So 1 click becomes two in pump bar just saying, hyper pump doubles the pump you get per click, but the stamina needed doesn’t change, so hyper pump SAVES stamina.
Stamina doesnt affect how fast you train. Training speed and pump determine how fast you train. Pump potions makes the red bar above stamina fill up faster making you work out a lot faster.
Roblox Gym League Stamina: Stamina helps you with lifting weights. You fall off if you run out of it. You can sustain yourself longer with bigger stamina. You can use treadmill to increase it. The higher gym you are the better the higher you get from treadmills
Recommended stamina for all gyms:
Beach Gym: 1K
Underground Gym: 100K
The Gym: 10 million but 1 million is the minimum
Golden Gym: 500 million but 300 million is the minimum
Cyber Gym: 100 billion but 50 billion is the minimum
Gravity Gym: 10 trillion but 5 trillion is the minimum
Is there any way to get stamina faster?
All muscle growth boosts
Is there any boosts for stamina?
Potion boosts like 2x stamina
How to grind the stamina in gym 3 so fast?
Afk treadmill. Muscle boost powerups. Any boosts for treadmill so you get more stam.
Use any muscle growth item.
What’s the best way to get stamina?
Just get on treadmill and set it to max speed and auto click it.
Auto trains and if your stamina gers low it stops and when stamina recharges it continues so you dont die and it puts more weights automatically.
Roblox Gym League Macro:
If you afk for a long time in the treadmill your stamina will run out. Set a macro to where it only runs for a certain amount of time to gain some stamina and stop to regen, then repeat.
You can have macro set to click “w” every 60.000 milliseconds. If you do that it won’t kick you off the machine and it will keep working out.
It’s auto clicker<macro<auto train. You can go about afking comps with autoclicker join and macro jump.
A lot of people say that they use macro in the game. You can set up the macro with tinytask or autoclicker.
You can afk comps. Set autoclicker on the place where the “yes” option shows up.
You can also autoclick the same button on mobile as you don’t have to macro the jump button as competitions on mobile is just tap not space bar.
Macro can have the same capabilities and functions of an autoclicker but an autoclicker is just an autoclicker.