Roblox Mega Mansion Tycoon wiki, codes, cars, beach house, tropical house, basment, tips, money, candy corn, best car, fastest car, etc.
Roblox Mega Mansion Tycoon codes:
There are currently no codes released but you can follow discord channel to get latest updates.
Beach House:
Beach house is the smallest mansion in mmt. It costs around 22.8 million. Spreadsheet is given below which includes penthouse costs.
You should not keep saving more money and finish the penthouse and beach house cause your income increases everytime you upgrade the house.
You need to complete the mega mansion, the beach house, the pent house, and the tropical mansion, 4 houses total to get a chance to get a badge.
Complete 80 buttons on the last house to get your badge. Every house should be 100%. Other than that, you have to complete 80 buttons, 20 buttons per egg.
You get a badge after you get all the eggs.
You can look at the badge in game badges.
You get 1 eggs for every house you’ve done. Once you have finished the 4 mansions, you get the 4 eggs that you need to put in the book on the front of the first mansion, then you get the badge.
If the elevatr ttons in the beach house in the mega mansion tycoon doesn’t work, then hold down the button for the elevator.
1.Google documents
2.File for beach house data
It gets expensive, but the only way to increase your earnings is vip, progressing through building the mansion, and gold buttons and 2x.
Max cash per sec rn:
30,996/sec which is all the gold buttons and game passes.
Some tips on getting more money in game:
2x and vip. You gotta wait for your money to build up. Increase your income with Vip, 2x, gold buttons, and continue building if not done already.
If you are not making money, collect it from mail box.
Once you finish last house, another great way to spend your money is by coloring the furniture
or buying cars.
Buying cars doesn’t ups your money/sec amount.
Rarest car is the laferrari. DMC DeLorean is a rarest car in MMT.
If you play in pc easy to make money just afk but in phone 20min afk = kick lol
How do you get the Hunt badge even though completed ALL the houses?
Just claim the eggs.
does anyone know why the car lift doesn’t work
Both car lifts work. You have to hit the arrows for the side lift, or change cars to activate the circular lift.
Fastest car in the game:
The fastest is the 150M limited but it’s not in stock anymore soo for the all time car is the 500M bagatata The new limited is pretty fast. The purple one, 134mph for 5M.
Which is the fastest car without robux.
It’s the new limited. 149mph top speed for limited and 148 mph for bugatti but buggati have better pickup.
There are 3 new cars for new update. It shows only 2. Besides the senna and the aston martin, the 3rd new car is free. It’s a Ferrari. It’s white.
From someone’s flex zone go to owned and it should say new
Best car:

Double cars on the heli pad mega mansion.

Tropical house:
What are you supposed to do when you finish the tropical house?
Grind to 1 trillion cash for no reason!!
You dont need spinning car gamepass to finish the house. It has nothing to do with the ability of completing the mansion. You can complete the mansion without purchasing it.
If your tropical house is at 99% not 100%, hit the purple circle with a question mark, and then it will tell you what to buy. If it shows the parking lot, then If that’s what needs to be bought is a parking spot.
Total cost for tropical mansion is like 2.5 billion with underground garage and helicopter.
If you unlocked basement in tropical house you will understand, almost each red button cost 2 or 2.5 million. Super helicopter costs 135 million.
There’s also a hidden/secret room in the tropical house. The one in basement of tropical house. It has a couch and garden. Tropical house in the basement and you click this bottle.

After penthouse, you still have the tropical house after that.
Basement pic:

Basement rating
In #flex-zone
If basement is left in tropical, just continue building and you get the eggs.
How do you buy that parking spot?

Its to the left, down the long hallway, downstairs.

Click the up button.
You can get a new car as well epic 500mil Bugatti.
When Fitness and Docks is done, go to the elevator on the 1st floor. You’ll see a 0 floor. That’s the basement. The basement does count for at least 30% of the completion.
Candy Corn:
Candy Corn locations:
On the first house.
1 in the basement library and one in the blue bedroom on the 2nd floor. In the basement in the library and in 3rd floor bedroom.
There is one under water near the big bridge
The bridge that says coral reefs.
Office at basement.
Small tip: Some candies can be seen by exiting the render distance of the buildings. Candies can still be seen than.
Candy Corn collection was a Halloween event
You could still have it in your mansion. That’s because they never deleted it.
If you want help me to get the candy corn, you can ask for help on discord. Add username.
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You get 2 from speedway.
You get 2 from behind the crane.
In water
Secret island
Behind mall
Behind mega mansion sign