Roblox Gym Star Simulator new active codes, wiki, tips, pets, enchantments, etc.
If you have played Gym League, and are obsessed with those gigantic muscles that look like pro bodybuilders then you will certainly enjoy Roblox Gym Star Simulator as it also comes with added features like a female trainer! Just login on second day to get Lina! There’s also free auto train to make afk easier and level the playing field for free 2 play players and Robux players. What’s not to like for someone who likes fitness! You start off with a fat body and shape your muscles by targeting different muscles and, legs, arms, back, etc. with different equipments, weights, and of course lots of stamina. The only big drawback is that you can’t train triceps, biceps, and forearms exclusively or in 2 muscle pairs. Bodies are much shinier and competing in bodybuilding competition gives you money. Rank yourself in Total muscle, money, and rank level leaderboard ranks.
Roblox Gym Star Simulator codes:
NEW: This code redeems your account with 1 spin
strength: Expired. This code used to give 2 protein bars.
SORRY: This code redeems your account with 1 spin
You can enter codes by tapping Shop on left, Code which is last tab, tap ‘Enter the code here’ window, type your code, and redeem code.
Codes are case sensitive for Roblox Gym Star Simulator so type them exactly as they are to avoid code error.

If codes don’t work these could be reasons for them:
1.Expiration: Codes are expired. This happens so often after a new update. Updates can also come with new codes. Codes might have limited uses or limited time. Redeem them quickly when released.
2.Already Redeemed: Codes are already redeemed. You might get a message saying that codes are already redeemed.
3.Inaccuracy: Codes are entered inaccurately. To avoid this mistake, double check to type them accurately. Just copy paste to avoid any faults.
4.Case sensitive: Codes are case sensitive. If codes are are case sensitive, type them with same upper or lower cases.
5.Server issues: Game servers can be down sometimes or there might be a lag. Rejoin a different server and chose lesser players by selecting “Ascending” or tick “Exclude Full Servers”. You can also check ping by tapping Roblox sign on upper left, settings, Performance Stats. This will pop up ping. If it’s less than 1 second then that’s good. If game is just recently updated, you might need to rejoin server to redeem codes.
6.Additional requirements: Some experiences require you to verify your discord, Roblox or other social media username after following their accounts before entering code. It starts with “@” character followed by your discord or Roblox username, for example.
You can get codes from following places:
1.Game description: Follow game developer Gym Simulator Club to know about new codes. Tap 3 dots on lower left corner of Roblox experience, select, “Follow” with notification sign to get new updates.
2.Discord server: Join Roblox Gym Star Simulator discord server to get new updates news in #announcements or #game-updates channel. There is also dedicated #gss-codes channel for this experience.
3.Social media: Check other social media channels like Youtube or Twitter of developers to know about new updates.
4.In game: Some games release codes in game. This is rare but they have a board displaying codes or another tab. Developers might also display social media username in Codes tab. This game doesn’t have it.
5.Game group: Some developers release codes in group description. Tap developer name from Roblox page and tap, “Join Group” to join group or just check description below.
Roblox Gym Star Simulator Tips:
1.Fastest way to grind is the previous gym. If you’re in gym 3, grind in gym 2. It’s faster for muscles.
2.For stamina go to the highest level gym,
so basically, you go to next gym so you can get tons of stamina faster, then go back to previous gym to grind muscle.
3.Another tip, recon every 10 mins so you get free booster for stamina and muscle growth.
4.Just grind, get the best pets you can afford
gamepasses are not a deal breaker, if you have excellent pets and super high stamina it should be still OP for you. Get all your pets to 3.9k, and get your stamina up to atleast 20B. Keep your pets even as best as possible and continue to grind stamina as much as your can.
5.Grind stamina and competition for at least 4hrs each, each day. Stamina=longevity and competition= better pets.
Are there any secret pets in the game?
Last pet in egg.
You can get the enchanted probably with money or crafting other pets together.