Badland Brawl android game Wiki, tips, tricks, deck/clone formations, and beginners guide
Badland Brawl is a physics based tower defense PvP game. This game involves active real time strategy based on physics and skills. It’s heavily biased towards skill over power which makes it more interesting. There are 4
classes primal (blue), evolved (red), mythical (purple), and unreal(green). I will tell you many tips, tricks,
strategies and beginner’s guide to progress in this game as f2p.
1.Place your clones wisely. Some clones have
extra damage by placing them on enemies so wait patiently and place them on enemy’s clone to get most damage. Big Smith, Dagger Twins and Rogue are such clones.
2.Upgrade your clones to increase their attributes.
Collect eggs in pool party brawl pass and Inferno Dawn to get more clones. Collect free eggs and enhance them by watching ads. You should enhance them further 6x to get more rewards. You will get golden egg if all your towers are intact in a brawl. Badland Brawl is a physics based tower defense PvP game. This game involves active real time strategy based on physics and skills. It’s heavily biased towards skill over power which makes it more interesting. There are 4 classes primal (blue), evolved (red), mythical (purple), and unreal(green). There are many tips, tricks, strategies and beginner’s guide to progress in this game as f2p.
3.Join an active tribe. This is important as tribe has tribe egg and rewards keep on increasing as eggs level goes up. The more you win the more gears you will contribute and even if you lose
you get 1 gear for each tower damage dealt. You will also be able to get and donate
unnecessary clones to get trophies and gold. To request clones you need go to tribe, tap on “+”. select clone.
Another advantage of tribe is it will allow you to compete in 2v2 brawls with which both can complement each other and get more gears and for your tribe egg.
4.Keep an eye on enemy tower health and time remaining. If you have
destroyed an extra tower when timer ends then you will win. If their health is too low use a projectile with long distance like Icicle, Wildfire, Fireball, Blast Rocket or Arrows. This will make sure you get an extra destroyed tower and will ensure your victory. I like keeping such long distance clones which can be useful at end.
5.Don’t put your clones on sling unless you have enough mana. This will not allow your opponent to know your strategy or which clone you are going to release.
6.This game revolves around skill more than power. If you are more skillful then you can beat your opponent even with less power. Bombs are game changers as they require less mana, easier to get, cause more damage and requires more skill to execute. If you look at clone formation of top guys they mostly use bombs and blasters. Try to place blasters close behind bombs for maximum impact. It’s generally a good idea to use blasters immediately after bombs are launched before they get displaced. Land the bomb close to your tower which will make it easier to land blasters behind them. The further you land the more chances
of your bombs getting displaced and more difficult
to hit them with blasters.
If you don’t have blasters you can use Fireball or Wild Fire and place it at back of
bombs to push them. Blasters can sometimes work against you if misplaced so be careful when bombs are launched by rush. You can also use core bomber to launch bombs and make your strategy around it. Plain and mini bombs are better then bouncy bombs like brawl ball, mini bouncy bombs or bouncy bomb because they are easier to target and require less mana. Some clones like Bomb Fly, Bomb Drone and Bomb Spider release bombs when killed so they should be preferred for aerial and melee attacks. You can also choose any other melee attacker instead of Bomb Spider if you want. Bombs have a higher chance of quick hits back to back which increases critical hits. Things get tougher once you go past level 13 as skilled players start to appear. It all comes down to little bit of practice and luck.
Best card deck formation for beginners and advanced players:
Badland Brawl beginner deck formation:

Badland Brawl Advanced deck formation:

7.It’s better to use primal or evolved clones which require 3 or less mana and upgrade them rather than use clones which require higher mana. This will allow you to launch more clones with better damage and overwhelm your opponent. Choosing such clones are also easier to get through eggs and upgrade compared to unreal or mythical. Your tribe members are more likely to donate you such clones too. Your average mana cost should not exceed 3. You can check it by tapping trophy symbol on upper left corner.
You can also see clone formation of leaders by tapping on Inferno Dawn, trophy symbol, player name.
You can activate runes at level 21 or level 25 depending on clone.
8.If you want to get more trophies without
losing any then you should play 2v2 instead of brawl as you don’t lose trophies in 2v2 even if you lose.
Try to get all rewards from brawl pass. If you are p2w player then I recommend activating brawl pass over
gem packs as you will get more rewards as you progress. One trick you can use to get more trophies in
beginning is not to collect achievements or upgrade clones you don’t use.
9.Collect free gems, buy clones
with gold from shops. It refreshes everyday. You can also watch ads for extra rewards there.